Dr. Ryan Schrock, PT, DPT, NCS Vestibular Expert
Dr. Ryan Schrock, PT, DPT, NCS, CSCS is an expert in vestibular rehab and dizziness. He shares his thoughts on expert care and sheds light on where to start if you wish to become an expert in vestibular rehab. Dizziness is complex. When seeking conservative assessment and rehabilitation, patients should seek expert care. But what constitutes expert physical therapy care for patients with dizziness?
“In my opinion, expert medical care encompasses experience, education, and availability. Prior to my twelve years of practice, my curiosity and drive to learn has always leaned towards neurophysiology. Early within my professional coursework, discovering the intricate and functional relationship of the vestibular and nervous system, balance, and the harm falling can cause patients, easily became central to my professional calling. Born of this curiosity, I discovered the challenge in understanding these structures, the continuous detective work in partnering with patients to solve their balance and dizziness issues, and the unique interventions that bring oftentimes total resolution of limiting symptoms, completely absorbed my inquisitive nature.”
“My passion to serve patients is rooted in a mindset as a lifelong learner, knowing patients deserve expert care in this complex diagnostic arena. I have had the opportunity to become Wyoming’s first and only Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist. This process requires substantial experience in neurologic and vestibular rehabilitation to be board-eligible to sit for a rigorous pass-fail examination. Of equal importance, the Susan Herdman Vestibular Competency Course is a week-long opportunity to learn from the world’s leading experts in vestibular assessment, diagnosis, and conservative treatment interventions in treating dizziness. The arduous daily examinations and final, day-long comprehensive testing further qualifies this course as a pinnacle assessment of vestibular knowledge. Although I am grateful to have received the Certificate of Achievement, evidencing mastery in vestibular rehabilitation, I reflect upon this week at Emory University serving as a maturation point professionally to engage in research and service at a national level. I find the work involved in promoting quality, scientific methodology and evolving understanding of this vague and common symptom widely gratifying. As such, I am able to satisfy a responsibility in serving not only locally as a Gillette college advisory board member and through appointment as a State Board of Physical Therapy member, but nationally on the executive board of the Vestibular special interest group within the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy. My opportunities to serve through vestibular research and critical review are endless.”
“However, a passion in the unique science of medical care is fruitless without the individual patient. I am fully cognizant my knowledge is minimally effective without the patient care experience. As such, I am humbled at the opportunity to create partnerships with every patient I am fortunate to serve. Furthermore, I recognize my experience and understanding of vestibular rehabilitation would be limited without continued availability. My past patients would likely tell you the first thing they appreciate in partnering with me is receiving my phone number to all adequate and accurate assessment of dynamic symptoms, promoting compliance in care, and working towards successful resolution. In an era where house calls have come and gone, I believe this level of availability in a digital world does more to ensure quality patient care than education or experience. This partnership is true medical expertise.”