Equipment & Technology

Rehab Solutions stays at the forefront of medical innovation, leveraging cutting-edge equipment and technology to ensure you achieve the outcomes you’re striving for. Our commitment to excellence means you’re always receiving the most advanced care available.

Game Ready relief and recovery physical therapy

Game Ready

Game Ready Recovery offers an innovative approach to rehabilitation and wellness, combining advanced cooling and compression technology to help athletes and patients recover more quickly and effectively from injuries and surgeries. It's the go-to solution for those looking to minimize downtime and enhance their recovery process.

mTrigger biometrics leg testing


M-Trigger is at the forefront of biofeedback technology, providing a cutting-edge tool for physical therapists and patients aiming to optimize muscle rehabilitation. This innovative system offers real-time feedback, empowering users to improve muscle function and recovery through precise, guided exercises.

BFR biologics leg band

Blood Flow Restriction

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training is a revolutionary technique designed to enhance strength and muscle growth, using specialized bands to safely restrict venous blood flow during exercise. This approach accelerates gains by allowing users to achieve significant results with lower-intensity workouts, making it a game-changer in rehabilitation and fitness.

pain relief dry needling

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a targeted therapy technique that uses thin, sterile needles to stimulate the body's healing processes, effectively addressing muscle pain and tightness. It offers a quick and efficient way to relieve discomfort and enhance muscle function, making it a valuable tool in physical therapy and pain management.

pain relief recovery cupping


Cupping therapy, an ancient practice now embraced by modern physical therapy, uses suction to enhance circulation, relieve muscle tension, and promote cell repair. This technique offers a unique approach to pain relief and muscle relaxation, benefiting athletes and individuals seeking holistic recovery methods.

physiotherapy equipment knee injury recovery

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) is a cutting-edge therapy that uses electrical currents to activate muscle contractions, aiding in strength training, rehabilitation, and recovery. This method is particularly effective for restoring muscle function and improving mobility in patients experiencing muscle weakness or atrophy.

Y balance testing for athletes and movement recovery

Y-Balance Test

The Y-Balance Test is a comprehensive assessment tool used to evaluate an individual's risk of injury and physical performance by measuring balance and stability. This test is instrumental in developing personalized training and rehabilitation programs to enhance athletic performance and prevent future injuries

scraping pain relief for scarring, knotting, and more


ASTYM treatment stands at the forefront of regenerative rehabilitation, utilizing specialized tools to stimulate the underlying soft tissues. This non-invasive therapy promotes healing and tissue regeneration, effectively addressing scar tissue and mobility issues to restore function and relieve pain.

body form analysis and form scanning

Running Form Analysis

Running Form Analysis leverages advanced biomechanical assessments to optimize an athlete's running technique, reducing injury risk and enhancing performance. This personalized approach provides actionable insights and tailored strategies to improve efficiency and speed for runners of all levels.

cutting edge form testing in body movement

Lifting Form Analysis

Lifting Analysis employs precise biomechanical evaluations to refine an individual's lifting techniques, aiming to maximize strength gains while minimizing the risk of injury. This targeted approach ensures that athletes and fitness enthusiasts can lift safely and effectively, promoting long-term health and performance improvements.

concussion management

Concussion Rehab

Concussion Rehab is a specialized therapeutic approach focused on safely managing and recovering from concussion symptoms. It integrates neuropsychological assessments and targeted rehabilitation strategies to support brain health, ensuring a safe and gradual return to daily activities and sports.

Get Started Today

Ready to elevate your recovery and performance? Connect with us today to discover how our advanced therapies and personalized approaches can transform your rehabilitation journey and athletic achievements.

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Gillette Office

Fax: 307.686.9484

1103 E. Boxelder Rd. Suite U
Gillette, WY 82718

7am – 6pm
Monday – Thursday
7am – 5pm Friday
Or by appointment

Sundance Office

Fax: 307.696.2895

220 East Main Street,
Sundance, Wyoming 82729

7am – 5pm
Monday – Thursday

7am – 12pm Friday
Or by appointment

Newcastle Office

Fax: 307.696.2896

219 West Main Street
Newcastle, Wyoming 82701

7am – 6pm
Monday – Thursday
8am – 12pm Friday
Or by appointment

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